Everett's Version

The views of a pastor and writer who is a generalist in his interests, and writes about topics he is interested in and thinks he knows something about.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Prayer for Christian Couples

A Prayer for Christian Couples

Dear Lord, we married each other believing that we held a mutual love and respect for one another, and we each made vows to be faithful in our love and respect until death.

We knew that tough times would come, but we did not know when they would come or what shape they would take. Now we ask you to help us through this time.

à Keep us from using words that we will have to take back;

à Keep us honest about ourselves, and forgiving to the other;

à Keep us from bitterness and selfish points of view in our conversation;

à Help us to see our marriage not as you and me, but as us.

à Help us, as your Word commands, to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

In his name we pray, Amen.


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