Everett's Version

The views of a pastor and writer who is a generalist in his interests, and writes about topics he is interested in and thinks he knows something about.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

On Record

As Barnabas, I used to write about absurdities; now idiocies come to mind. The word is flowing that the Republicans lost the Senate because Senator Allan said something stupid. If the Democrats lost, the word would go around that the loss was John Kerry's fault.
Either way, it is the fault of the electorate for taking seriously such shallow analysis.
We can blame Allan and Kerry for what they said, not for the perceived consequences. Everybody is at fault here, not least the gullible public. Blaming Allan is like blaming a loss on a missed field goal in the last seconds, when it might well have been a missed tackle in the first quarter.
We savage politicians for missspeak more than we do for billions of dollars of waste.

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At 5:27 AM, Blogger therealkimaliczi said...

I appreciated this! I canceled our newspaper delivery 15 years ago and have not gotten one since. I've always maintained that if you get your news from the newspaper and the TV news - you're not being informed. But who's got time to wade through all the bias? How does a "gullible public" become truly informed and educated enough to vote properly? Methinks the current system of information dispensation is the best we can do.


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