Everett's Version

The views of a pastor and writer who is a generalist in his interests, and writes about topics he is interested in and thinks he knows something about.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

On Record from Nebraska

We're in Omaha for the Thanksgiving celebration of the immediate Wilson family, over forty of us connected to my brothers and me as spouses, children, and grandchildren. The Omaha contingent have spacious homes and a gift for hospital. A special occasion connected is the 80th birthday celebration of our sister-in-law, the widow of the oldest brother and a big sister to the rest of us, who had no sisters before she joined the family. We also saw Nebraska win the Big 12 north championship over Colorado (on home theatre television, no less). Now there is just the small detail of beating either Texas or Oklahoma on the way to the Fiesta Bowl. One day at a time!


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